Bandcamp Goodies



  • Thanks Paul, downloaded and ready for morning
  • Just got a very similar notice:

    Sofia Talvik just made their full discography (29 releases) available on Bandcamp for $51.20 USD (a 20% discount). link
  • Odd way to buy records. Seems to me that if I liked the label enough to be completist I would probably already own more than 20% of the releases; if I didn't I would be unlikely to shell out a large-ish sum to buy everything at once. Fascinating to think that maybe some people shop for music that way.
  • For me it tends to be one album at a time, love her music though
  • edited November 2015
    If there is a way to make this independent label thing pay, Dave Douglas will find it.  He's pre-selling recordings of each set of this weekend's Jazz Standard gig.  All the music available for DL on Tuesday...Sounds like a good Thanksgiving soundtrack to me!  $70 a little too rich for my blood, but I admire the audacity.
  • Odd way to buy records

    - You can now get 182 albums by The Legendary Pink Dots for 921,38$ !


    - Obviously . . . :-)
  • Oh, less than a thousand dollars, better put it on the wish list then :-)
  • Getting inundated with these full discography emails right now. But they all seem to be confirming my point. The only ones that tempt me at all (e.g. Serein) are ones where I actually already have a bunch of the releases...which is exactly why I like the label enough to be tempted but also means it's not a good offer.
  • It would seem that they need to find a middle-ground where you can select some subset of the total available albums offered for sale and then still be rewarded with some %off the total price for going the bulk purchase route.   Like pick any 10 and get 20% off the normal price.
  • That would be an excellent idea.
  • This week's Projekt free weekend download is SoulWhirlingSomewhere's Eating The Sea
  • Thanks Pau, love his work downloaded
  • Well, a label dear to my heart has gotten into the act.  Cuneiform is offering their entire catalog for some $3000 - a whopping 15% discount.

    Even though I've never stored CC info in my life, I'm not going anywhere near that link.  I suppose they figure there's no downside to this stunt, and a chance that someone might actually do it...
  • Another thing that makes this thing seem even more like a stunt is that for several of the labels doing this where I have actually gone and checked, the list of albums included includes albums that are or have been free or NYOP, so the discount is not always quite as high as it claims to be...
  • edited December 2015
    Re my Dave Douglas post a couple days ago:  free track here

    He sent an email saying the price had been reduced by $30, which I might even be tempted by...Probly just as well I am still seeing the $70 price at Bandcamp
  • Visions (free!) cover art

    Projekt Records download of the week for 1 more day only

  • Thanks - I like some of Wøllo's stuff. 
  • Found on Continuo's Documents:
    Handstitched – mini CD-r single series, UK, ca.2014-2015
    "Mini CD-r series from Handstitched, a label run by Tim Martin, who releases his music under the Maps & Diagrams alias, among others. Each release is limited to 50 copies with hand-made sleeves."
  • image  
    Name your price . . .
  • Huh, so I can get all Cuneiform's releases for a mere $3112.36?

    (Or all 46 releases by Marco Lucci for $4.87!)

    This whole discography gimmick is still amusing me.
  • In case you haven't ever done a discography download,
    you have to download the titles separately instead of as
    just a few large downloads. This means that you'd have
    to dl 353 separate releases in the case of the Cuneiform
    titles...which could take a considerable amount of time. 
  • Does this mean you actually bought one? I am curious.
  • Yeah, but it was only 34 releases.
  • (Or all 46 releases by Marco Lucci for $4.87!)
    Where the majority is free or name your price

  • Blue Moon cover art

    NYOP Bandcamp - this was her debut album

  • edited January 2016

    Free Download:

    International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) - INTERSECTIONS

  • edited January 2016
    Ultimae Records have a 30% off sale until Jan 31. Enter omg30 at checkout on bandcamp. And they are priced cheaper on bandcamp than on emusic, so it works out a pretty good price. Check if you like Aes Dana, Solar Fields, Circular, Asura etc.

  • New Sunna Gunnlaugs album at Bandcamp.

    If I were in Amsterdam, I'd go to the CD release party tonight at the Bimhuis!

  • I can't remember if this has been mentioned before . . .

    Leyland Kirby aka:

    V/Vm - White Death

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