Well that may be the end of eMu for me.



  • Noobs obviously - we cognoscenti know better than to expect more.
  • edited September 2012
    Up: emusic now has a mobile site!
    Down: it's exactly as terrible as you would expect.

    There's a whole lot of this: "There is no template associated with this request."

    And no way I can see to opt out of the mobile 'experience.'
  • Hi Guys,

    Quick question, E Music just gave me a £10 credit even though my account is on hold. If I use it will the account come off hold or will I keep it as it is. The account is not due to come off hold till October, about the time for a month of releases that I would go back to E Music for

    There are a couple of albums that I like to get, I know it does run out Oct 1

    Any help would be great.
  • Is there some financial reason you don't want to go back yet? Or are you looking for recommendations that would make the 10 livres worthwhile?
  • HI BT,

    Just had an expensive month thats all, watching the pennies
  • If you really need to economize, than maybe you should wait. It seems like these give aways happen every few months, and usually eMu gifts some around, Dec.1 (for the festive season). Otherwise it's just a small discount on the cost of one month, depending on what you buy. And if they aren't good past 10-1, it won't help toward the releases you want to get down the road.
  • Well, don't this just sum it up nicely?
  • edited September 2012
    Copy of a message I have put on emusic's message board, headed In praise of Customer Services
    Often Customer Services get slatted here, so praise where it is due.Three weeks ago I suddenly and unexpectedly lost my internet connection at home, discovering it would take two to three weeks before getting it back. My refresh was due two weeks into that period, and I had only spent half the previous month's balance.I was able to email CS from work, they put ny account on hold for me. Now my internet is back they have ensured that I have kept my balance from last month, as well as the recent ten pounds bonus. Great service, thank you

    Many of us moan about emu, me included, but sometines they do things well! This needs to be recognised
  • Whenever I see this thread updated I get a weird feeling that someone is going to post that eMusic has decided to shut down. Is it just me?
  • No not all Thom, I fear it all the time. I've now got a big balance - one and a half month's worth and I know I need to spend it quickly each month. I spent my £10 bonus straight away, and I am about to spend some more to get it down just in case emu goes under. Over recent months I've tried to get 3/4 of my allowance within the first few days leaving the rest for new releases just for that reason. Last month I was going to download several albums during the afternoon when I lost my internet around lunchtime.
  • @Thom, I think of that too considering its ongoing problems and loss of members.
  • Weirdest thing - I just signed back up on eMusic for the first time in nearly 2 years. Lowest membership level. There's just a couple things I want to pick up before cancelling again.
  • edited October 2012
    So it's you causing all that churn Klein talks about.
  • edited October 2012
    Oh the joys of emusic. I got this album for free at Guvera instead of $7.79 at emusic:
    Then I went to emusic to check the release details. I happened to scroll down to the "recommended albums" section of the page. Hmm, now what goes well with Arvo P
  • Surely if you suggest a "tabula rasa" to a recommendations engine you're just asking for trouble?
  • The tabula rasa thing absolutely explains Cookie Monster and Rafi. Plus, no one with any prior thoughts would listen to Baha Men.

  • Thanks for putting that Rafi song in my head..."Ringringring...bananaphone!"
  • Maybe emu's personal rec program has gone rogue? Not that it's been so great these last few years post big labels.
  • So it recommends "Who Let The Dogs Out" not once, but twice... and one of the releases is rated THREE AND A HALF STARS? Oh, that must be the full album. I guess the other tracks are much better...
  • edited October 2012
    The Baha Men (of whose existence I was previously blissfully unaware) just got recommended to me on another page (of experimental electronica). As a result I noticed that their single is titled "Who Let The Dog's Out?" which, due to its tantalizing lack of specificity about which possession (or part?) of the dog was let out, is a much more colorful thing to contemplate than what I had thought was a title involving plural dogs. It's clearly a more philosophical work than I had imagined.
  • Yes GP!! I had to LOL, having spent at least 10 minutes this afternoon going through this with a post grad (PGCE) student.

    On a totally different point, am I the only one getting concerned about what emu might do this November? I am seriously thinking about buying a booster to clear a number of recent Jonah's Jazz Picks from my SFL just in case we in Europe go over to album pricing. I will, of course choose those albums that it will benefit me to download now, ie, those with a small number of long tracks!
  • It's a curious achievement when you think about it to have conditioned your customer base to fear new features and services.
  • @Greg, do it, man, do it. I blew several Best Buy crack cards worth on precisely that, 50's/60's jazz albums with low track numbers and long tracks, before eMu went to album pricing and I am so glad I did - it was a good deal at the time, and after the conversion it was practically theft. A lot of them were Concord group - OJC, Pablo, Riverside, etc. but of course the weird thing was that back then they were all in LAME encoding before they got replaced with Fraunhofer later on, but that's another issue.
  • That is a great way to accumulate a hard drive full of music. I can't begin to recall the number of Circuit City Cards I bought back in the day. Kind of enjoying rediscovering some of that stuff lately.
  • edited October 2012
    Thanks BDB. Two years ago Cathy, remember her, said we would be getting the majors "within twelve months", which of course would mean a change to album pricing. Recently there was a good offer on boosters, so I probably will investigate further.

    Edit - for £50 I get a £15 bonus, works out at about 30p per track, certainly good value for albums with upto 6 or 7 tracks. I might start a thread for suggestions.
  • It is November next week, just saying.... you know what I mean!!!
  • edited October 2012
    I just got maybe the most befuddling reply ever on the emusic discussion board. I asked a month or so ago whether emusic would be getting Parallel Paths by Cello + Laptop. The name of the band, note, is "Cello + Laptop". The response from the emusic content folks: ""We will have laptop in a week, Cello doesn't want to commercialise its music digitally."


    Is there a band called "cello" and one called "laptop"? Are they going to somehow extract half the sounds from the recording and sell those on emusic without the other half? Is this the new November thing, we'll be getting the Beatles with John and George digitally subtracted, and three fifths of the Miles Davis Quintet? Will prices go down to compensate for the missing sounds? Fascinating concept.
  • Maybe they mistook your plus sign for an And symbol. There's a wiki entry for a band Laptop that has some ties to Vovoid and Helmet. I didn't look to see if Cello is an actual band, since apparently they are avoiding the internet.
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