I love twitter



  • From the twitterfeed:
    US: We decided to ring in the King’s 77th birthday with an #Elvis sale that celebrates 16 of his classic records!
    My head hurts.
  • If they're putting King Elvis's stuff on sale this week for his birthday, next week, in honor of King Martin Luther Jr's birthday, are they gonna put on sale all the albums from musicians that Elvis stole the sound from?
  • edited January 2012
    New tweet from eMusic -- "Tweet us an interesting musical experiment in the next four hours" -- get $8.99 credit. Still a member? Go get it.
  • What does that even mean? Are they looking for some sort of scientific investigation into something music related? To actually hear a recording by someone that is interesting and experimental? Or something else?

    I'm honestly dumbfounded.

  • Got it, thanks!
  • I'm honestly dumbfounded.
    Me, too. Old? New? Something experiemtal forty years ago? Something that's not popular? Something that forces to established genres together?
  • Stop over-analyzing; you act like it matters what you get free credit for.
  • Tweet Lulu like I did - maybe we can turn it into a meme.
  • It is an attempt to (a) promote some of the editorial content: http://www.emusic.com/listen/#/featured/start-exploring-araabmuzik/; (b) get members to engage in social media and generate some (throwaway, but wtf) free content for you; (c) show more imagination than yet another holiday promo tie-in (Groundhog Day...??)
  • I wish you guys would've said something before I dropped that hit of acid. But since we're on the subject, did you know that if you listen to Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert" backwards that it sounds like he yelling at you to stop oohing at all the tracers and pretty lights?
  • Umlaut. Umlaut! UMLAUT!
  • @BT, secönded.

    Re: experiments, do you think describing back to them any of the things they've been doing to the site would count?
  • edited January 2012
    Umlaut. Umlaut! UMLAUT!

    Does it get good mileage? We drive a Jetta. In fact, just made the final payment today.
  • edited January 2012
    Or maybe that's the sound Germans make when they cough in concert halls.
  • You make them with eggs.
  • So, what, they're a type of herring, then?
  • edited February 2012
    About noon eastern time, Feb 14, from both eMusic and eMusic Helps:
    Members: Tweet us ur fav. love song in the next 4 hours & we’ll credit ur account $8.99. Credit valid 2/15- 3/14 #eMusicLoves #ValentinesDay

    Once you've submitted your song follow @eMusicHelps and direct message them with your eMusic login to claim your credit! #eMusicLoves
  • Here's mine: Neil Young, 'Harvest Moon'. If there's a prettier love song for grown-ups, I don't know it.
  • edited February 2012
  • edited February 2012
    Yay. Lately I get about two dollars free for every dollar I spend there...

    eta: I picked Chet Baker's last recorded version of "my Funny Valentine"
  • edited February 2012
    Sweet! Torn between Over the Rhine's Rhapsodie and, by the same band, Infamous Love Song. Both classics. The former gets points for managing to weave in the line "and The Furies that I feared were Eumenides to lead me here" while still sounding romantic, and for the purity of the vocal. The latter is just epic. (Go ahead, click the link, you'll be glad you did)

    And again belonging to emusers proves to have monetary value. Thanks mommio!! There's going to be a certain irony if I go ahead with the present moment's plan to spend the credit from my "favorite love song" tweet on El Tren Fantasmo.
  • Well, Homey don't do Facebook, and Homey don't Twitter, but if Homey did it would be "A Heart Needs A Home" by Richard and Linda Thompson - the live version from Guitar, Vocal (think it's on one of the box sets as well). Damn, $8.99? Principles have their price.
  • You should get a Twitter account. It's like the stripped down version of facebook. it's worth it for the credit.
  • And it takes less than a minute to create.
  • And if nobody knows who you are it doesn't create a lot of junk.
  • edited February 2012
    I have a Twitter account to watch for deals and entertaining "news" tidbits. I have never tweeted, and no one knows I am there. You now know, but I doubt you would try to find me since I don't tweet. Nothing to gain. I don't get the eMusic credits because I no longer subscribe, but other goodies come up on occasion. I take advantage of those that don't require me to tweet or post about it. Yeah, it's worth it.

    I also have a Facebook account, but my friend list is small. It's mostly family and a few friends. I rarely post, and I'm there because it allows me to keep up with family who prefer to communicate through Facebook.
  • Thanks guys for the heads up about this. I have a Twitter account but almost never use it. In fact did my first tweet to get this credit. Guess I have to wait for emusichelps to follow me to direct message them to get my credit.
  • I re-signed up with eMusic this month (11.99 for free) and they've had two twitter deals. That's almost $30 of free music. I have to cancel by tomorrow (hopefully after I get today's promotion credited to me).

    Twitter is good.
  • Kenny! Long time no see.
  • Yeah, I re-upped for $11.99, got the first twitter deal, quit, and got $10 for undoing the quit. I let the $11.99 refresh today because I was starting to almost feel bad - and here's 8.99 more. $40 for $12 - that's almost back to pre-Sony prices.
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