I love twitter



  • After all the grovel credits for messing up the site, and the credits for letting emusic phone me after I complained to them about the site direct, and the various twitter credits, all in the last 2 months and easily more than doubling (maybe tripling) my purchased credit, my worry at the moment is that I am not going to be able to accept going back to actually having $18 a month to spend after all this slows down. I am becoming accustomed to a lifestyle I can't afford.
  • I just tried this twitter thing. . . My goodness ! who said just one minute ?

    - Anyways, I twitted my song to emu and twitted my emu login to @eMusicHelps @gaylrdqtinkldnk, - Now I wonder if anything will come out of it.
  • edited February 2012
    @BN, you have to direct message your login, rather than tweeting it (the former is private, the latter is not - if you tweeted your login you might want to delete that). Direct messaging is an option that becomes available after you have followed emusic helps and they have followed you back.
  • @BN

    That's funny. Y'know, it only takes a minute to sign up, but I am now remembering that my first tweet took something like fifteen of the most frustrating minutes of my life.

    But it does get much much easier. I can now tweet as well as any tech-grandpa.
  • Oh, horsefeathers. Dragged into this all for a lousy $8.99 and by the time I got the account together it was just in time to see the ta-ta we're done from eMu before I could tweet them. Oh, the wages of greed. Jeez, I hope it goes better with the wireless and the Roku when I set that up. The Mrs. got a Nook tablet so finally I got a wireless, so I can tweet from that I suppose.
  • Thanks guys . . .

    there's 2 tweets in my twitter thing:
    RT @emusic: We've reached the finish , Thks for participating and enjoy yr credits. Look out for them tomorrow. #eMusicLoves #ValentinesDay.

    - And 20m
    @billy_boy65 @kcarabio @tofias Thanks for the enthusiasm. This promo was only for a short window, but we'll have more in the near future.

    - And I have deleted the login tweet and replaced with a direct message.
  • @BDB, there'l be another one before long. On current pace it's likely that there's be at least another $60 worth of promos before year's end.
  • Well, I got home and asked my wife what favorite love song she would have tweeted. She immediately said "bebop apocalypse". (OTR's Infamous Love Song). We must be compatible.
  • @BigD, be ready for the next one. This is the second time I have caught one shortly after it was tweeted,then posted it over here lest you guys miss it on Twitter. I can't benefit, but I love being able to pass it on to those who can use it.
  • @amclark: I've been around, kind of. I read a few posts every day, but I'm usually too lazy to type.
  • I tried when I got the tweet, but they wouldn't let me join in, being in the UK! I know what you mean GP about having less each month. I had a year or more of Groupon deals at 12p a track. They have all now finished and I can't get used to not downloading almost everything I want.
  • Nøøøjh !
    (thats wow in Danish)

    - to my big surprise, it actually worked !
  • Maybe I did something wrong!
  • @emusic: Tweet us a haunting song in the next 4 hours & we'll credit your accunt $8.99. Valid 4/5-4/30 #eMusicX http://t.co/RbNKJxgz

    About 3.5 hours to go on this...
  • I don't know if it was an uninspired choice, but I tweeted Charlie Haden's version of "Haunted Heart", which includes a recording of the Jo Stafford version.
  • edited April 2012
    Jay !

    - just tweeted New Tomorrow by the Legendary Pink Dots.

    But I just can't find that direct message thing . . . Help !
    ETA there's an option that says answer, hmmm ?
  • Thanks Doofy! I feel a bit guilty cashing in on these promotions, but I guess eMu has to spend their marketing budget somewhere.
  • BN - Under the web interface to Twitter you can click a @eMusicHelps link that appears in a tweet, click the silhouette in the window that pops up and select "Send a Direct Message" from the drop down menu. There are probably other ways to get there too. The Twitter interface is not helpful.
  • @BN

    Click on the @eMusicHelps symbol. It'll open up a small window. Just next to the blue Follow button, there's an image of a silhouette head. Click down on the drop-down menu from that head. From the list, select "Send Direct Message". If you don't see that option there, that means they are not following you.

    In that case, send them a tweet that says simply "Please follow me, I would like to DM you."

    I doubt it'll get that far, just because I think the Helps twitter account pretty much auto-follows anybody who tweets to the main emusic twitter account with that hashtag of #eMusicX (or whatever it is).
  • The first one that came to mind for me was Total Control by The Motels. Might actually be more creepy than haunting...

    BN, you need to find "Direct Messages" (not "Reply")...for me it's a little drop-down arrow at the top.
  • edited April 2012
    Fantastic ! - Thanks guys !

    ETA: My Tweet: The Legendary Pink Dots - New Tomorrow
  • I'm going to have to set a key combination to paste boilerplate: "Thanks, Doofy".
  • Thanks Doofy!

    I picked The Electrician by the Walker Brothers after realizing they don't have the latest Scott Walker album, and now, I actually have to go call An Electrician about a haunting problem at my house.
  • You know, if emusers cost $50/year to belong to, I think I would come out ahead.
  • I feel a bit guilty cashing in on these promotions
    I wouldn't feel guilty. It basically means that one can get the old prices on music, but must jump through hoops in order to get them.
  • It's good advertising for emusic. Basically everytime a member tweets a message to pick up a free album or store credit, that same tweet is being seen by everyone following that emu member. And what they're seeing is that being an emu member means sometimes getting free credit by hanging out on twitter. Which means emusic gets more members (theoretically) and also more followers on twitter, which means they can tweet out even more messages to more people, many which have nothing to do with give-aways.

    Everyone wins, and no one should feel guilty.
  • Yeah, $9 (which costs emusic significantly less than that) for a targeted ad is not bad for them.
  • Do the artists/labels get paid for these, I wonder? I thought I remembered a discussion where not getting compensated for promos was part of the labels' problems with eMusic.
  • Hm, I don't know. Maybe we should feel a bit guilty. Or buy only major label stuff. I don't know. I've got to work the ethics out on this.
  • edited April 2012
    I think they take the total amount they take in in a month, then divide it by number of downloads, then somehow add something for more expensive tracks. So a promotion means everybody gets a little less per track for the month, but the artists you download still get paid for your download. The label has to accept the fact that promotions might decrease the overall payout. That's how I think it works, and would be the easiest way to do it. But I could be wrong.
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