Freshly Dropped/Discovered over at eMu



  • Thanks for the pointer to the Olafur Arnalds, very nice.
  • NP Plong. I forget sometimes that albums and artists leave and return on eMu.
  • eMu nebulosity alert - I had tucked a new Yardbirds comp onto my SFL a few days ago so I went to investigate the label today - Perfect Cadence Records - and what catches my eye is the number of comp albums that have Charly Digital down in one corner - Charly being large in the CD compilation market - and there's a bunch of varied titles from 40 -60 tracks that might be of interest. I am not able to listen to eMu samples here at work on my ancient laptop, so I can't opine as to originality or quality yet, but I figured I'd post them. Hopefully the Gods Of Internet will smile on the cable dude coming tomorrow so he can figure out what the hell is wrong with my internet connection.
  • edited May 2012
    edit: right topic, wrong posting.
  • A lot of those Perfect Cadence comps look like good values. I see some tracks repeated in more than one album, though. E.g., A Love Supreme Part 1: Acknowledgement is in two of them. The Sun album has a lot of good things in it. They left out one Sun artist who had some success, Elvis Presley, but that's no doubt a licensing issue.
  • BigD, I was *this close* to downloading "The Golden Hits of Roy Drusky" from that link ... but I might sleep on it.
  • edited May 2012
    Well here's one I don't need to sleep on. Carol Channing did a country album with Webb Pierce, who knew. SOLD!
  • edited May 2012
    Talk about freshly dropped, poor Earl's barely cold yet, but the graverobbers at Vintage Masters have pushed out this comp - Earl Scruggs/The Ultimate Collection, 1924-2012 - 100 tracks, $5.84. Can't listen to the samples here at work as to originality or quality. If you always wondered what the fuss was about this might be a low cost way to jump in.

    Edit - So did a comparison of this against some of the Flatt & Scruggs songs from JSP sets I have and the samples sound like the real thing and the song times of matches I could find are same or close by a second or two, so I would say it's a good deal.
  • edited May 2012
    Totally accidental find, classified as Jazz/Easy Listening by the crack addled webmonkeys over there, but a really nice album that was on Nonesuch I believe when I bought the LP - Music From The Morning Of The World recorded in Bali by David Lewiston. At least it's only $5.19 on Hallmark/IODA, unlike some of the overpriced re-additions that have come from Nonesuch proper. This is some fine gamelan listening.
    I was hoping to discover other former Nonesuch recordings but haven't yet - the strange mis-categorization isn't helping. That and the way they've managed to screw up the Browse albums per page function as of yesterday, which I will not vent more spleen over. Arrgh! Well, just a little.
  • classified as Jazz/Easy Listening by the crack addled webmonkeys over there

    No kidding, surely this should have been classified as Reggae
  • No kidding, surely this should have been classified as Reggae

    Yes if you are an emusic employee!!
  • I take everything back, my Hold has been put on hold and I am back! Why? There has been a massive drop from the Real World Records label back catalogue in the UK, around 150 or so releases, so lots to choose from, in fact I might even be on boosters by the end of the day!
  • greg, does that include these guys? The Holmes Brothers - Jubilation - these cats are phenomenal.
  • That is a great album, BigD!
  • Not in the UK yet, sadly. But the 150 albums will keep me going for a while!
  • edited May 2012
    There seem to be some additions to the The Faces/Small Faces catalog on eMu recently on the Charly label - although they are listed on The Small Faces page, I don't know enough about the band(s) to say if that is technically correct or not - I suspect it ought to be The Faces, but anyhow, a deluxe 3 disc version of Ogden's Nut Gone Flake, $5.84 getting you a mono disc, an alternates disc, and a stereo disc. Too much of a good thing? There's also Small Faces (Deluxe Edition), although that is The Faces on the album cover, again $5.84 for 2 discs one mono, then a stereo of roughly 22 tracks each - Veddy Interesting, this seems to be a digital version of this Deluxe CD due to be released on May 29th on Hip-O (boo, hiss, UMG) for rather a bit more scratch.

    Or you might want to take a chance on this 2 CD collection - Ultimate Collection/Small Faces - shipping from Britain at $7 something, theoretically new, getting you 50 tracks. I've ordered a few things from Britain via Amazon at similar ridiculous prices and it's been good, so for just over $10 with shipping I might just go there.
  • Thanks BigD! Those two Deluxe albums were enough to get me to rejoin eMu... subscribed at the lowest level ($11.99) got a $20.00 bonus for joining, installed eMusic/J and then quickly spent $5.84 on both the above and another $1.60 on the Ravi Shankar - 3 Ragas disc mentioned earlier in this thread... and now I'm sitting on $18.71 wondering what I should get. I'm sure I'll find something before my 30 days are up - just not relishing actually having to wade through the eMu site any more than absolutely necessary in order to spend my monies afore the expire.
  • edited May 2012
    BDB - basically the Small Faces morphed into the Faces when Steve Marriott left, and Rod Stewart and Ronnie Woods joined them. ONGF was a Small Faces album. See Wiki article for more details.
  • I kept thinking it was the other way around but given the diminutive stature of the original four members it should have been clear. Great band though throughout.
  • edited May 2012
    New Naxos comp - The Story Of Naxos - The Soundtrack - 37 tracks, 3:38, $5.99 eMu. If you want a more convenient way to see the artists check the Amazon page, $7.99 there.

    And doesn't everyone need another cut-rate Mozart collection, and this is The Best, The Ultimate Collection, Over 100 Essential Classics for a mere $5.84, it's 101 (see, Over 100) tracks, 562 minutes (9+ hours). Holy cow, I can barely stop myself.
  • I wish I could get those deals!!
  • edited May 2012
    Mahler, anyone? Bruno Walter Plays Gustav Mahler, New York Philharmonic, 40 tracks, 7 hours, $5.84.

    Fly by night Die Fledermaus, Karajan/Vienna State Opera, no further info, but $5.84 - may be worth investigating.

    Is there anyone who still feels intimidated by jazz? I know having this man as a guide would make me feel safe - link.
  • edited May 2012
    Well, what about this guy?


    Dave Garroway was host of the Today show, w-a-y back in the day. I'm a Red Norvo fan, curious about those tracks. All kinds of crazy old jazz records just dropped on this label.
  • I'm waiting for the J. Fred Muggs album of favorites, perhaps then I'll rejoin.
  • m120b-cover.jpg

    which just arrived at emusic. best album of 2009.

    (cross-posting, as appropriate)
  • edited May 2012
    Small sale featuring these Naxos Early/Modern Music titles. I'm listening to this one now - very nice - and might venture a couple of others. As usual, Amazon is the place to consult for more information about the albums and any useful User reviews.

    As usual the investigation of one thing leads to another, and I find this 3 disc set a full $9.50 cheaper at Amazon for the CDs than the MP3 - Time Of The Templars, go figure. The CDs are cheaper than eMu's price as well.

    eMu is cheaper for this lute music release that I'm parking for further consideration - Lute Music For Witches And Alchemists - ott, she turned me into a lute!

    On the subject of lutes, I'll have to bear in mind that this fellow, Ronn McFarlane, plays in The Baltimore Consort, of whom a couple of their releases I picked up during the Amazon Xmas blowout and liked very much. I'm putting his Scottish lute albums in the SFL.

    This might be worthy as well from EMI Classics - Essential Renaissance - a 2 1/2 hour compilation.
  • edited May 2012
    I'll have to check out that Bethlehem album. How are the bit rate?

    BTW, some of the more modern selections in the Naxos sale are much more of a bargain at Amazon.

    ETA: I keep a running list of early music bargains.
  • Not outstanding bit rates, BT - average of about 175 for the album I'd say. Sounds OK, so it may have to do somewhat with the sparsity of the musical ensembles involved.
  • Did anyone have trouble downloading track 11 on the On the Way to Bethlehem album? Mine failed, although the file name is not that long. I reported it to CS, but thought maybe someone else had the same problem.

    @BigD - thanks for the list of early music bargains, I just blew through my eMu refresh in record time.
  • @Plong42 - that one downloaded OK for me. You're welcome. With poking around there and at Amazon I put about 10 early music titles on the SFL this morning besides what I got. The good music is still around it's just gotten to be more of a task to find.

    "Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in".
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