What are you listening to right now? (part 4)



  • Nick Drake's "Five Leaves Left" was my first Drake album. Powerful stuff. I picked up Bryter Later and, hm, the other one (the Pink Moon) album soon after. Bryter is probably my favorite. Because I always drive, I'm the one who picks the driving music, but when we headed up to the KY state park (as written about on my Whores at Applebee's thread), I gave dj duties to Katie. She was all over that shit. Every album she chose was one I hadn't listened to in forever and wouldn't have picked on my own, but was the absolutely perfect album for that part of the trip (which was mostly driving through quiet country roads). Anyways, Bryter Later was one she put on... just awesome, so damn pretty.

    Just Finished:


    Hauschka - "Ferndorf"

    Now Playing:


    Keiron Phelan - "O, Little Stars"
  • @GermanProf

    That Soporus album (the chernobyl themed one) is pretty good. Listening to it on Bandcamp right now...

  • Glad you like it - one of my keepers, I've had it a while. I find the EP that preceded it less compelling. One or two of the later tracks on the Megachurches bandcamp album that I posted a few turns back above and on the bandcamp thread are in kind of a similar vein, though not as rich.
  • @amclark2

    I like to play that record for people and ask them what year it was released.
  • edited March 2011
    Germanprof, thanks for the 1571023816-1.jpg rec. - Saving it for later.

    Streaming from Bandcamp:
    Soporus - 2011 (released 15 January 2011) - 2 usd.

    On track 3 ATM, - Takes my breath away !

    ETA: - And track 4. . . Oh Man ! ! !
  • - More Bandcamp stream:

    - Pretty impressive garage (punk)rock.
  • edited March 2011
    @ Brighternow - thank you! Listening to the new Soporus right now. This is exactly what I love about these threads - you post an album, makes me think of another one, others then find it, that bumps you to a third, I learn about a new release by an artist I like, and said artist gets some income (I'll be purchasing this one later). So fun when that happens. Hadn't even thought to look for Soporus on bandcamp, having bought their last at emu.
  • I could listen to this forever...

  • edited March 2011

    - Followed by:
    Mark Wheaton - “Ripcord”
  • 51lE3qGExxL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    Like an old friend...
  • edited March 2011

    Borrowed from my local library. Second play - really liking it, must search for other releases on emusic
  • edited March 2011
  • Over lunch I have been playing



    Now playing

  • 51X7B8ZhxQL.jpg

    It is quiet in the offices today, so I am shuffling Dylan. Currently was Duncan and Brady from TTS.
  • What I wish I was listening to now:


    Four decade-old ad posted on Chicago Reader blog...
  • Had to stop the Kate Rusby album to play this, just downloaded


    New release today - amazed to see The Charlatans available on emusic in the UK
  • 41HwhCGPMJL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    via Guvera
  • 61drIr%2B4VRL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

    Sponge - Rotting Pinata

    Haven't listened to this album in a looooong time.

This discussion has been closed.