What are you listening to right now? (part 4)



  • 41WsBfzhmIL._SS500_.jpg

    My wife and I had been dating less than a month when this hit the streets and I dragged her out to buy it.
  • edited March 2011
    @ Kargatron, Re: Nmperign / Bhob Rainey. . .

    Yes, it was from your pointer but my first encounter with Nmperign was years ago where I bought a live recording from Seven Things Records before it was a "real" label.

    Bhob Rainey, who I believe is a core member of Nmperign is new to me. I followed up on the Bhob Rainey link you provided where Dave Seidel aka. Mysterybear is mentioned (he is now a Emusers member).

    I've posted another one from B.R.'s page @ Bandcamp Goodies: Sparkling Wide Pressure (Frank Baugh):

    - I can't find any superlatives that sufficiently describes this, so . . . By all means check it out !

    "Music works in mysterious ways"
    - Thank you very much.

    Oh yes,
    I've listened a bit to Nmperign/Jason Lescalleet - Love Me Two Times
    - Track 12, Velvet Gloves is out of this world !
    - Thanks again.
  • edited March 2011
    Re: Bhob Rainey - I had a very odd/disturbing/amusing-in-retrospect experience presenting him and a Baltimore trio in a show in DC 13 years ago - read and weep/laugh.
    "This was as if a 3- or 4-year-old was taking a music lesson for the first time," claims Bloom.
    One thing to keep in mind is that the owner (Bloom) wasn't even there for any of it!
  • edited March 2011

    Strut Records Sampler - see Standard Lecture on Good Free Stuff thread for details or go to http://www.strut-records.com/sampler/
  • kargatron - That's awesome/sad.

  • Have been listening to




    Now listening to


    Just downloaded - first impressions are good. All Music Guide's view is
    Meklit Hadero's dusky voice has been favorably compared to that of the legendary Nina Simone, with devilish and gritty bits of Tracy Chapman or Joan Armatrading tossed in. The Ethiopian-born, Brooklyn-bred resident of Northern California presents this debut album, featuring a variety of styles from vintage jazz to contemporary singer/songwriter, acoustic folk, bossa nova, calypso, and some Afro-beat or ethnic fusion. Her spare two-chord guitar playing lends to the airy nonchalant feeling, but at times she uses more powerful outspoken word play (in English) that continually draws your interest to her. With such diversity, Hadero is hard to pigeonhole, for she sings so well, as on the swinging "Float & Fall" alongside trumpeter Darren Johnston, or the ethnic version of the show tune "Feeling Good," accented by the ney flute. A funky waltz take of the traditional "Abbay Mado," or the personalized "You & the Rain" identify this artist as a romantic within her own terms. While not stunning, this debut effort offers so much in terms of potential, as we wonder which path she'll choose on a follow-up. For now, this is a finely crafted effort that should yield repeat visits on anyone's CD player.
  • 515128CfVLL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • 51Sotyt%2BOOL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

    I really loved the Meklit Hadero album above.I am sure that this will be as good. Thanks for the recommendation - from memory it was Brighternow.
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    Continuing my Celtic rock run. I was at the concert on this recording, but they trimmed out most of the crowd noise so you can't hear me request "Free Bird"!

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    Ester Brinkmann - Der Ubersetzer - Il Traduttore - I've been looking for Ester Brinkmann stuff periodically for a good ten years; since falling in love with the one track on the first Clicks and Cuts comp. Just recently found a used copy on Amazon, probably of the 2009 re-issue, and it arrived yesterday. This is like the best thing ever.
  • R-150-431245-1112513155.jpg
    Kickin' it semi-old school.
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    I'm trying to play all new downloads at least twice in the first two or three days, just to get to know them better. I've so much music on itunes that I have really liked on first play and then not gone back to them again, and they tend to get forgotten until I think 'what was that?'!
  • Re: Bhob Rainey - I had a very odd/disturbing/amusing-in-retrospect experience presenting him and a Baltimore trio in a show in DC 13 years ago - read and weep/laugh.

    Loved the story, and on an odd irrelevant note, I weathered the 2010 big D.C. blizzard in a hotel 2 doors down from that same Soho tea and coffee. I must have walked past it 50 times with my then three year old as we went to and from various places to play in the snow, because what else do you do? I thought the name sounded familiar.
  • obscure9-irma.jpg

    Obscure No. 9 from UBUweb. I was about to post it on the UBUweb thread, but my google search for a cover image led me to BN's post. I've been scooped.
  • spivuk.jpg
    I think this was an Amie freebie. At first I was like, "Cool, they sound like Robyn Hitchcock." Now I'm all, "Hmm, why don't I just play some Robyn Hitchcock."
  • 51mlLlHneTL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
    Best review title: Wrist-slitting fun.
  • edited March 2011
    Silver by Charles Eric Charrier

    Interesting new album on Experimedia/Morr, though a bit different from the other stuff on there I've heard. Guitar-focused, sort of an instrumental post-blues-jazz-rock thing. Rather good. Can be had for $3 if you are able to combine emusic and amazon.com
  • 51f-qWm9GTL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

    Seven Nations - A Celtic Rock Tribute to The Cure

  • edited March 2011
    @ Kargatron - Thanks for the Soho story, - Quite funny, but also sad because it's a story from real life.
    - I guess this is what can happen when you throw "pearls before swine"

    @ Greg, re. Bari Leigh - It wasn't exactly a rec. - I just thought she was hot ! :-b
    - (I will check out the free track)

    @ Amclark2 - This is what happens when you are not thoroughly checking THE most important thread. - ;-)

    Listening to:
    Info @ the New & Noteworthy thread.

    - And about 1 week later @ 17dots
    - Are the 17dotters reading Emusers ?
  • 41fppSbNbTL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
    Sometimes you put on an older album and think "GOD DAMN! Why am I not listening to this everyday?!?! It's so effing good!"
  • edited March 2011

    Why we miss Amie Street, part 110. Just a young guy in Detroit who plays pretty good jazz guitar. Actually a quite decent "lo-fi, diy" jazz album.

  • @Brighternow - I just downloaded the free track too! It's OK but no more, not sure if I'll get the rest. I by far much prefer the previous album I listened to by Meklit Hadero. That IMO is worth the download...

  • dj.rcauhppf.225x225-75.jpg

    Continuing with downloads I have only played once
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