Amazon Daily mp3 Download Deals



  • Let It Roll - Songs Of George Harrison for me, 19 tracks - it fills in a bunch of songs I don't have from over the years, and at $2.99 whatever it duplicates from All Things Must Pass gets a pass. Got to love this trend over there.
  • American Beauty? I might need to hold my nose to get it.
  • Almost makes up the daily deal returning to its previous level of dullness and price.
  • Yeah, I gave up on the Daily Deal, but now I keep getting $2.99 deals or the $5 deals when it's something I really want or have a code.
  • Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends - $4.99. Super psyched about this- I thought it was going to be vinyl only, or human skull only, or gummy skull only or something.
  • am2... thanks for posting the link for the Lips! A no-brainer purchase for me.
  • edited June 2012
    Interesting. It always used to be that when I was overseas, Amazon would not let me buy music using my account. But it just let me buy Heroes for $2.99 from Australia, presumably because it now goes to my cloud locker thing? Haven't tried to see if it will let me download it from the locker here.
  • edited June 2012
    Well this seems odd. One of the featured $2.99 albums is the new one from Japandroids but when I click on the page it says it's not available until July 1. What?

    Funny (to me, at least) addendum: I posted a question on their facbook page about this. It was removed from their page within moments. Questions will not be tolerated!
  • Thanks for the pointer am - I had really hoped to snag a copy on RSD. Figured it would be too expensive for everyone and hang around but I didn't see any.

    @Rudie - weird. If it comes back, no brainer for 3 bucks. Fantastic album.
  • edited June 2012
    Stumbled across this... don't recall it being posted about previously Big Gustav Leonhardt Box The Bach Guild Recordings 1952-1955. Currently $2.79.

  • Does the picture on this soon to be released box set look to you like someone thinking, "Well, if the CDs are only about a buck fifty, is it still an awesome deal if there are 85 of them?" It's a puzzlement to me.
  • Mamma Mia, that's a lotta Toscanini
  • 41Tl2%2Buhi5L._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    To me is says: "Do you like me? Do you really, really like me?"

  • It's saying, 'honestly, I apologize.'
  • @Rudie... the Japandroids album is available to purchase again.
  • Lol. At least it doesn't say BIG BOX, well, or B G with namesake's head as the "I."
  • edited July 2012
    DODT classical sampler from Naxos - Classical Music - 50 Of The Best - $2.99. I dunno, only 50, not 99 or 100?; and $2.99, not $1.99? I suppose if you like Naxos. In case you do I see on that page their Chamber Music - 50 Of The Best is available for $3.29. I have that one stashed on my eMu Classical SFL - it's more coherent in presenting (it looks like) whole pieces by fewer ensembles, not just another mad tour.
  • I expect the number of tracks to increase exponentially by price.
  • edited July 2012
    minimum tracks on a classical album = 9 + 100 ^ (dollars -1)
  • I'm pretty sure I'd pay $3 to keep 10,009 additional classical tracks out of my library.
  • edited July 2012
    Found this mentioned on another site: Ryan Adams: Live After Deaf (Complete Boxset) for 8.99.

    174-track, DRM-free compilation of live performances, released today. (iTunes charges $119.99.)
  • Found this mentioned on another site: Ryan Adams: Live After Deaf (Complete Boxset) for 8.99.
    Another deal that I'm finding difficult to pull the trigger on. 13 hours of live performances, more subdued than the original, with lots of repeated content. Perhaps someone needs to talk me into this one, but it really seems like it's for the hardcore fans.
  • @luddite - thanks for the reminder - I returned home last night after a short trip and it was still a bargain, so it's now in my itunes!
  • The Ryan Adams set is now not available.
  • "Hit Albums $1.99 Each: Today Only"? Sounds like Amazon is trying to beat Play at its own game.

    Lot's of the usual suspects: Beach Boys' new album, fun., Beach House, emuser favorite Lana del Rey.
  • I bought fun. and Of Monsters and Men. I figure they are not going to get much cheaper.
  • The Black Keys and Big K.R.I.T. for me.

  • I guess I stand corrected, it can get cheaper. fun. - Some Night is now 99 cents for the album

    Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, Gotye - Mirrors, Regina Spektor, and a few others from the $1.99 sale.

    Maybe it is half off for happy hour or something.
  • @PLong42... Thanks for the 'heads up!'... I guess this particular time it paid off to delay making my purchases. The previous page at Amazon selling these albums for $1.99 now indicates that they're all now on sale for $0.99.

    Picked up the couple I had planned on getting and spent some of the savings on getting things I was on the fence about.
  • Damn!

    Added fun. and Regina Spektor to the earlier purchases.

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