I guess this pasting your taste is just a reading of your top 50,
but, for me, it's a bit disingenuous because my listening is very
wide-spread. Sometimes I'll just concentrate on a specific genre
a day at a time. Today, for instance, I've been listening to grupera,
yesterday: underground power pop holiday music; the day before:
barnemusikk and so on. Tomorrow, it'll probably be croatian pop...
and so all of these end up being kinda flattened into the whole
artist/song listings without a clear emphasis in any strong area.
Now playing: La Sonora Dinamita Capullo y Sorullo
My updated "lastimer" chart, which shows time listened rather than play counts. (They don't auto-update anymore.) 1. That is a lot of damn jazz. 2. 13 hours/day actually is plausible. 3. My top pop artists (Beatles and Stevie) get dropped way down, while some classical favorites crack the top 50 by this count.
I tried lastimer three times - twice overall and once showing a 3 month period
and it *broke* each time at 52%. I tend to break things like this. A few years ago,
with a lot less tunes stored, I tried to use Grooveshark. The guy who ran it told
me that it can't handle large libraries. Nice charts Doofy!
Now playing: The Hafler Trio How To Slice A Loaf Of Bread 1
Mosca is a single hour long ambient track that is my go-to piece to play at low volume during occasional afternoon naps, so I only ever hear the first five minutes but it gets disproportionately reflected in play counts and time count. This is the 6-month list and it's interesting to see that jazz has taken the top 5 legit slots, but it's likely the case that my ambient listening is just distributed across more artists. Art Pepper and Sir Richard Bishop are both there because there was a big collection of them available cheap/free respectively and I checked it out, not because I actually listen to them regularly (I confess I deleted much of the Bishop after listening). IIRC All India Radio had a giveaway too - not a huge fan. Lots of pianists in there, which does reflect the obsessions of the last 6 months.
I think listening time is in the short term often swayed just by how many albums I have (for whatever reason) by an artist and the feeling I should play them through every now and then...
I wrote the guy at Lastimer and told him my problem.
He got it to work for the last 3 month span, but said
that overall time might not be possible due to size.
Hey! Apparently I listen to music nearly 144 hours a day!
So, 144 hours in a 24 hour day...let's say you sleep and occasionally don't listen, so we'll guess an average of 12 hours of actual listening per day. That means during those 12 hours you are listening to 12 different things. Sounds cacophonous.
I just played some music on my iPod Touch and then some on iTunes while and after I synced. Last.fm scrobbled each song multiple times. In one case 15 times!!! I know about possible double scrobbles - but 15? Any suggestions for troubleshooting? In the scrobbler each one shows only a single scrobble, but on the last.fm site there are huge long lists of them in my 'recently played'. Does anyone know if deleting extra scrobbles on the site also removes them from the play count? ETA, it seems not.
I actually think the main reason why Alamaailman Vasarat appear as my fourth-most listened to band (which is nowhere near true, even though I do like them) is due to a mysteriously high play count from one of their albums that I do not think represents actual listens.
I manually scrobble my iPod every once in a while. This results in a window with tic-boxes so I can un-check anything I do not want to scrobble before it sends it to Last.FM. I have not had any problems with multiple scobbles as you described it, though.
[align=left]~[/align]Generated on February 12 2015 - My Music Habits
Apparently, 86% of my listening is to artists outside my top 25 artists. http://www.mymusichabits.com/visualize/
With 2366 artists maybe that is not surprising.
[align=left][/align]Generated on February 12 2015 - My Music Habits
I also like all the other data. Apparently 0% of my listening comes from my top 10 tracks. I'm curious what the actual percentage is without the rounding, since I'm pretty confident it's >0%.
Actually you're less hip, Plong. You listen to the same 25 artists 30% of the time. How boring. [Note: Previous comment should be read in the voice of a snobby, rich, New Yorker.]
Wow! How did you do that?
I've even opened new windows and tried
that way and they all were "loading."
My first one is still loading at this very moment
(nearly a full day later).
Maybe you're closer to the source(?)
Now playing: Billy Bang & William Parker - Medicine Buddha
OK, I just checked again
and it came up instantly,
so I don't what the deal
was yesterday.
but, for me, it's a bit disingenuous because my listening is very
wide-spread. Sometimes I'll just concentrate on a specific genre
a day at a time. Today, for instance, I've been listening to grupera,
yesterday: underground power pop holiday music; the day before:
barnemusikk and so on. Tomorrow, it'll probably be croatian pop...
and so all of these end up being kinda flattened into the whole
artist/song listings without a clear emphasis in any strong area.
Now playing: La Sonora Dinamita Capullo y Sorullo
and it *broke* each time at 52%. I tend to break things like this. A few years ago,
with a lot less tunes stored, I tried to use Grooveshark. The guy who ran it told
me that it can't handle large libraries. Nice charts Doofy!
Now playing: The Hafler Trio How To Slice A Loaf Of Bread 1
Mosca is a single hour long ambient track that is my go-to piece to play at low volume during occasional afternoon naps, so I only ever hear the first five minutes but it gets disproportionately reflected in play counts and time count. This is the 6-month list and it's interesting to see that jazz has taken the top 5 legit slots, but it's likely the case that my ambient listening is just distributed across more artists. Art Pepper and Sir Richard Bishop are both there because there was a big collection of them available cheap/free respectively and I checked it out, not because I actually listen to them regularly (I confess I deleted much of the Bishop after listening). IIRC All India Radio had a giveaway too - not a huge fan. Lots of pianists in there, which does reflect the obsessions of the last 6 months.
I think listening time is in the short term often swayed just by how many albums I have (for whatever reason) by an artist and the feeling I should play them through every now and then...
He got it to work for the last 3 month span, but said
that overall time might not be possible due to size.
Hey! Apparently I listen to music nearly 144 hours a day!
There is quite a few irregularities from time to time.
And hey ! - WTF happened to my obscurometer ?
Apparently, 86% of my listening is to artists outside my top 25 artists. http://www.mymusichabits.com/visualize/
With 2366 artists maybe that is not surprising.
I also like all the other data. Apparently 0% of my listening comes from my top 10 tracks. I'm curious what the actual percentage is without the rounding, since I'm pretty confident it's >0%.
Also only 2% of my listening is my top 10 albums.
I am sure that somehow I can use this information to make the world a better place.
If someone would only design a "Do you listen to a hell of a lot of Joe Henderson?" app, I would be like the all-time champ.
Now playing: Szilard Mezei International Ensemble - Female Boxing
My Music Habits
I guess I am more hip than you guys.
doesn't look good...
Now playing: Soft Machine - Facelift
- in 15 sec.
I've even opened new windows and tried
that way and they all were "loading."
My first one is still loading at this very moment
(nearly a full day later).
Maybe you're closer to the source(?)
Now playing: Billy Bang & William Parker - Medicine Buddha
OK, I just checked again
and it came up instantly,
so I don't what the deal
was yesterday.