Amazon Daily mp3 Download Deals



  • Well...

    51HvFP5mTbL._SS500_.jpg only $0.99. Prices may swing wildly but my interest remains fixed.
  • edited September 2011
  • Ten, which is now Twenty.
  • edited September 2011
    Got any Doctor Who fans? Gold Box Deal Of The Day is some TV season deals, one of which is Season 5 of Doctor Who, $5.99 standard, $7.99 HD which is stupid cheap but I suspect that's around 40-50G hard drive space, just didn't want the burden.
  • @BigD Amazon is streaming only so feel free to buy and watch.
  • I think everything they're selling in that deal is available on Netflix and Amazon prime...
  • edited September 2011
    Anyone know or get the Archer's of Loaf reissue that was on special yesterday? Since I missed the early indie days, I'm sometimes curious to go back and check it out, but this particular album seemed a little loud and heavy for me.
  • I got it and had never heard it before and really liked it on first listen, but I like loud and heavy too. There's a good pitchfork review of it.
  • edited September 2011
    amclark3, now that you mention it, I do recall the pitchfork review.

    It seems like the Amazon streaming sale is timed well for fed up Netflix fans that didn't want to pay two separate fees for a DVD and for streaming. I cut the streaming, my parents cut the physical DVD rental. Go figure.
  • edited September 2011
    Doh! I'm still snakebit from a few years ago when I accidently bought a few episodes from iTunes I had missed of Terminator-The Sarah Connor Chronicles (no snickering from the peanut gallery please) in HD and almost maxed out the hard drive on my previous computer.
  • No snickering here. Sci fi is the best brain candy.
  • Kendrick Lamar is also on sale today.

    Oh and I like sci fi too, although I never saw that show - my wife doesn't like sci fi so much.
  • That's why DVR's have been sent to us, to enable us to watch sci-fi TV later, by ourselves. Deliver us from Real Housewives and QVC. A two TV home is a happy home. Hallelujah.
  • Grrrrr. Stupid Amazon has stopped the free daily downloads. No, I don't want a daily 99¢ song that ends up being a $30/mo bill.
  • I think they still have them Katrina. I know they redesigned their site a bit lately, but now if you start in the upper left menu button and let the options open up, under MP3 music is a picture and link of the free MP3 track.
  • @choiceweb0pen0 - I picked it up and really enjoyed it (although I haven't made it to the bonus material). But same thing as amclark - I like loud and aggressive music.

    Funny thing is that a guy I lived with for several years (and still see shows with) was a huge Archers of Loaf fan, but almost never seemed to play them when other people were around. The same was true for Modest Mouse.

    @Katrina - That pisses me off, too. It's bad enough that the daily deals are almost always $3.99 now. You know that a couple years She's So Unusual would have been up for $0.99 or $1.99.
  • It has already been said -- the daily freebie is still there. but at a different location. At top left, click on the downward arrow beside Shop by Department, select MP3s & Cloud Player. The freebie is listed at the bottom of the resulting list. Today's is Ritual Union by Little Dragon.
  • I'm not seeing it there, but I do see it all the way at the bottom on the right (while it used to be at the top). Also, it's returned to the Android app - which is more important because I've found that's the easiest way for me to keep track.
  • Hmmm, thom, I hadn't noticed that one. A second freebie! What A Story by Laura Short from her album "Blessings."
  • Today's deal is the new St. Vincent for $3.99.


    Additionally, there is a code to get $1.50 off a list of indie releases this week. Including the new St. Vincent: Link.

    Not a bad deal.

  • Highly recommended! I've already listened to it twice today - and I can really only listen to 2 albums a day lately!
  • It's amazing to me just how different it is from Actor. She truly is an artist.

  • edited September 2011
    Today as a daily Gold Box Deal, it's 10 different Pop albums for $3.99 such as Micheal Jackson's Off the Wall, Amy Winhouse Back to Black, a so so Stevie Wonder Greatest Hits collection and some other selections.
  • edited September 2011
    Thanks everyone, I managed to find the daily freebie as everyone suggested...more work to scroll down to the bottom of the page, but still less work than eMusic's daily ever was ; )
  • Gosh, Katrina, the alternate method isn't that much work.

    At upper left of Amazon's home page, mouse over Shop by Department. "MP3s and Cloud Player" is the second item on the list that pops up. When you mouse over that item, another list pops up to the right, and the Free Song of the day is at the bottom of that list. Your very FIRST click will be on "Get Song." Can't get any easier than that!
  • Cool, that is easier, mommio. They didn't have that extra fly-out menu before!
  • Here, btw, is the link that my browser suggests when I start typing in Amazon...Goes to the mp3 Store "Special Deals" page.
  • Today it the new Wilco album for $5.99 which is $5 on 7digital and more elsewhere.
  • edited October 2011
    Searched out the DOTD earlier this morning, and stumbled on an easier way to find the Free Song of the Day. Just click in the Search box without typing anything. You then have access to the Free Android App of the Day, the Free Song of the Day, and the Gold Box Deal of the Day. A click on the desired deal takes you right there.

    EDIT 10/2/2011 - It has changed, now showing the MP3 Deal of the Day instead of the Free Song of the Day. I see the $0.99 Song of the Day, but no freebie. Maybe they have really phased it out this time.
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