Oh, I see. Very clever. I'll add some more $ to my account....
Yeah, I haven't played with the REC thing yet.
Yay for lists! I already have quite a few albums on this list, so I might do some guided listening after I finish my Fela kick. BTW, I think Kanye's music is great...
I just noticed the second load. I bought some of these new ones. I'm digging the ones I dl'd from the first batch.
Are you making fun of that person's name? I thought that's what you were doing, but then this thread took a serious turn....
I'm sorry to hear eMusic broke your scripts, but I understand the whole time issue. I've relied on your list of new arrivals. Thanks for the nifty link!
new Kylie Auldist (Tru Thoughts)
A few new-to-emusic Kompakt releases - I saved 5 out of the 6 for later
cafreema - I say start with jelwood's likely favorite, if you're down with Latin-flavored music.
Interesting news about Ondine - I actually haven't dug into their releases yet...
a lot of Ondine releases
Beatallica - Metallica + The Beatles? The concept sounds interesting - I haven't sampled yet.
a… -
I'm a fan of the Tru Thoughts label, and Quantic and his associated projects are stellar acts. I got a lot of his stuff on eMusic and amie street. I like Quantic Soul Orchestra - I'm surprised Tropidelico and Stampede are still che… -
from amazon:
The Field / Yesterday and Today
Tori Amos / Abnormally Attracted to Sin
from eMusic:
Johnny Cash / At Folsom Prison (Legacy Edition)
Nellie McKay / Rumor Has It
Camera Obscura / My … -
I'd be OK with never having to listen to The Beatles or Led Zeppelin again.
Good find. I guess it's worth registering for an account to get a free Atmosphere EP!
Wow! DBD posted? Amazing!
Aaliyah's One in a Million - very interesting addition
Whew! This list took a while to get through this morning. What I spotted:
Hot Snakes albums are back
in New 2009/06/05 - United States Comment by qwynwyn June 2009 -
Just an outage it looks like. Maybe there are changes too, but hard to see. yancey mentioned the emusic site is down: http://17dots.com/2008/10/27/elephant-6-concert-stream/#comment-30956
xtrev - Thanks for adding the list of members. It's a handy way of whispering to people if needed. ;o)
I've encountered the eMusic is unavailable message a few times. I couldn't quite figure out if they were flukes or what - like browser problems or something.
OK, I have a recommendation for you: Claudius Linton (http://www.myspace.com/claudiuslinton). You can listen to a few of his songs on his myspace page. Caveat: One of my friends turned me onto him, but I'm not paid to promote his music :o). I recent…
hey auntie! I haven't see you in a while!
I haven't checked out muxtape.com yet. One of these days I will. -
Could we have a list of users, to make it easier to whisper?
I don't have any strong opinions about Haydn or Mozart, but I think Led Zeppelin > The Who and violin > piano. I do agree with Taco Bell > McDonalds - too bad I don't eat at either place nowadays.
I'm here. Benevolent dictator? Hahaha.